Today was not as cold as yesterday, thank goodness. I still left the house with ski jacket, jeans and scarf to help with some of the cold. Sorted out a little bit of admin this morning, went fairly easily. Bryan and I walked the streets and went on the Underground.
Eros Statue was covered in a snow globe which was quite cool.
We went on top find my self a nice pair of Shoes. To be honest there as so many different shoes you actually forget what you looking for and it becomes a blur.. I did not buy any today but I think I found some sick ones that I will check out tomorrow. I did find the high top version of the Nike's Matt likes in a 4 story Nike shop that has everything you can think of!
We ate an Indian and Mexican Burrito... Strange but delicous.
We then went to Westfield Shopping Mall which is ridiculously huge! Looked at more shops for shoes. and clothes. I also went up into a snowboarding and ski shop to see what i could find and I had a small lesson on snowboards and how they work which was quite sick!
We went for a flipping nice burger at Byron's, Double chilli burger and chips with a Oreo Milkshake.
Good to hear your news!